
When your children don’t get a good night’s sleep, you likely know it immediately. They quickly become grumpy and easily irritable, but that lack of sleep has some more long-term consequences as well. Children need more sleep than adults because rest is vital for their healthy development. Understand the importance of getting enough rest for their age, and how you can implement some pediatric care techniques to ensure they get it.

A Pediatric Care Guide to Getting Enough Sleep

How Much They Need

Every child is unique, so listen to your pediatrician if they tell you that your young one needs more sleep. Generally, toddlers need at least 12 hours, and those between the ages of three and six need 10 to 12 hours. Ages seven to 12 need 10 to 11 hours, and teens need 8 to 9 hours.

Why They Need It

leitchfield pediatricianWhile your child sleeps, their brain cells are built, and neural plasticity is improved. Neural plasticity is the capacity of the brain and nervous system to modify itself and rewire connections after injury or experience. As a result, adequate sleep supports healthy cognitive development for an improved ability to learn, adapt, and store memories.

Sleep also promotes a physically healthier child. During sleep, the immune system produces cytokines, which target infection and inflammation for a quick and effective immune response. If children don’t get enough sleep, it limits their body’s ability to fight off sicknesses. A lack of sleep can also promote unhealthy weight gain since sleep impacts the body’s endocannabinoid levels, which also affects their appetite.   

Ways to Promote Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep starts with a good routine, so set up a sleep schedule and make it a priority. Kids should be finished with playing, eating, homework, and everything else in time to get to bed. Start winding down about an hour before bedtime, so they are ready to fall asleep right after climbing into bed.

This means turning off screens such as the television and tablets since the blue light from the screens energizes the brain. Brush their teeth, get into pajamas, and settle down to read a book or a similar relaxing activity. Over time, these routine actions will tell their brain it’s time to rest, and they’ll fall asleep easier. Maintain the same routine on weekends and vacations.


Leitchfield Pediatrics will help you promote a healthy childhood and development for your young ones in Grayson County, KY. These board-certified doctors have provided unparalleled pediatric care to the community since 1976. Their on-call doctors are available around the clock for emergencies, to ensure your child gets the care they need when they need it. See their full list of services online and call the pediatric clinic at (270) 259-5641 to schedule an appointment.
