
Neck pain can dramatically affect your quality of life. It can impact your ability to concentrate, sleep, and focus on your everyday activities. That’s why it’s so crucial to seek care for prompt pain relief. It’s equally helpful to understand the various reasons why you might be experiencing discomfort in the first place. Here are three possible causes to consider.

What Causes Neck Discomfort?

1. Poor Posture

Proper posture is vital to your everyday comfort. When you slouch or fall into a position known as forward head posture, your neck naturally moves forward. Anytime your head is positioned in front of your shoulders, it puts unnecessary strain on your cervical spine.

Because the position isn’t natural, it also forces some neck muscles to work overtime and continuously support your head. The more you fall into this forward stance, the more likely you are to experience consistent neck pain.  

2. Pinched Nerves

neck painWhen your pain is due to a pinched nerve, you may experience far more than the typical neck discomfort. Other symptoms include radiating shoulder pain, weakness in your muscles, and even tingling and numbness in the arm.

Sometimes disks in the spine become dry and stiff with age, leading to changes in the structure and shape. If they become too short, then the vertebrae slowly inch closer to one another.

In turn, the body creates a bone spur in its efforts to create a stronger support for the disk. But spurs can cause the minuscule openings along the spinal column to become even smaller, and in the process, pinch the nerve. This can cause sharp pain.

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis

People who have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) suffer from chronic inflammation throughout the body, including the neck. Significant pain and stiffness are hallmarks of the disease, and when it affects the neck, it can weaken the cervical spine as a result.

Symptoms like tingling, numbness, and dull throbbing are common. People who experience neck discomfort due to RA may discover that their symptoms worsen if they’re not treated promptly.


Are you seeking a qualified chiropractor to help treat your neck pain? Visit Get Well Family Chiropractic in Florissant, MO. These professionals are committed to your overall health, well-being, and quality of life. They focus on reliable pain management techniques that you can trust. In addition to performing chiropractic adjustments, they also offer nutrition advice. Visit them online for more information or call (314) 524-2580 to schedule an appointment.
