
Families Want To Know If They Can Visit

The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s reversal of Governor Evers’ “Safer at Home” order has raised questions about how it affects visiting at BSJ Corporation facilities.  BSJ Corporation facilities are still under the regulation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). 

Despite any changes in the public and political arena, we will continue our current limited visiting policies until given new directions by CMS and/or DHS. 

Although we are closed to visitors at our skilled nursing care, independent housing, and assisted living facilities, we continue to encourage friends and family to stay in touch using telephone calls, video chats, and window visits (with closed windows).  If anything, the changes to the “Safer at Home” order creates a greater risk for our residents and tenants as community members become more mobile.  Thank you for your continued understanding and support for the safety of our residents and tenants. 
