
Sinus pressure and headaches can occur during flights, especially during rapid pressure changes in the cabin when the plane takes off and lands. This pressure can also cause uncomfortable toothaches. This brief guide explains why you feel tooth pain while flying, how to manage it, and when you should see a dentist.

Why Flying Might Cause Toothaches

The increased cabin pressure and altitude on your flight can lead to a condition called aerodontalgia. Healthy teeth should not feel any effect from the pressure, but problem teeth can manifest great pain. You may have a preexisting condition, such as a cavity, gingivitis, or a loose filling. If your filling contains a small gap or your tooth has a cavity or crack, air can get trapped in this space, and the rapid change in cabin pressure can lead to immense discomfort.

If you do not have a preexisting condition and the pain comes as a surprise, it can flag the beginning of a complication within your mouth.

If you notice discomfort in most of your teeth—say, your upper back molars—as opposed to one specific tooth, you are most likely experiencing pain due to sinus pressure as those nerves run close to the jawline.

How to Manage the Pain


If you have experienced pain while flying before, go prepared for your next flight. Talk to your dentist before your trip so they can provide you with proper pain medication. Your dentist will most likely recommend you take it before you leave and possibly again during the flight, depending on how long your travel will be. While the meds will reduce the pain, they won’t eliminate the sensitivity you might feel. Steer clear of foods and beverages that can aggravate sensitivity such as cold or hot items, sugary foods, and acidic drinks like coffee and tea.

Chewing gum can help minimize sinus pressure and help with any tooth pain sourcing from the sinus nerves. The gum will unfortunately not help if your pain stems from a tooth condition.


Contact PdC Dentistry, S.C. in Prairie du Chien, WI, if you feel any surprising tooth pain from your healthy teeth or feel pain in any teeth with preexisting conditions. The dental clinic’s experienced team will examine your teeth, identify areas of tooth decay and sensitivity, and help prevent any problems from worsening. They can fill cavities or repair loose fillings, perform root canals, and lead you to a pain-free and beautiful smile. Call (608) 326-8458 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more about their professional and personalized services.
