
If your family dentist has recently told you that your wisdom teeth are coming in, you might have questions. What exactly are wisdom teeth, anyway? And why do they need to be removed? The guide below will help you get a better understanding of these teeth.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are third molars that most adults develop between the ages of 17 and 21, although some people notice them later in adulthood. A product of evolution, these teeth were used by primal humans to chew tough, raw foods. Most people have four wisdom teeth, while others can be missing one or born with none at all. 

Today, they no longer serve a purpose and often come in misaligned. This means that they grow in at horizontal, inward, or outward angles that do not allow them to serve as healthy, functional teeth. When this happens, they usually need to be removed through a surgical procedure. 

How Do I Know If I Need Mine Removed?

Family DentistWhile not everyone needs their wisdom teeth extracted, many do. A family dentist will typically recommend the procedure when the teeth become impacted, which means there’s not enough room for them to grow into the mouth. Instead, the teeth get stuck below the gum line. This can cause pain and discomfort, which is why people decide to have them removed. 

Sometimes wisdom teeth don’t cause pain but begin to come in partially, which can cause dental crowding. This affects the positioning of your other teeth, which makes brushing and flossing difficult and can lead to gum disease or tooth decay. If you’re experiencing crowding, jaw pain, gum inflammation, and/or dental abscesses, your family dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal.

If you think you need to get your wisdom teeth removed, get in touch with Jerry A. Laws, DDS, and Caitlin Miller Pugh, DMD. Since 1980, this family dentist office has been providing all forms of general and cosmetic dentistry, as well as restorative dental care, to people throughout the Lexington, NC, area. Visit their website for a full list of their services and call (336) 249-7708 to schedule an appointment today.
