
Your car and house keys play an important role in everyday life; however, it can become a nuisance to carry them around all the time. When your keychain gets too heavy and bulky, the excess load will start to weigh down your purse or pocket and can damage your car’s ignition switch. Additionally, with so many keys jumbled together, it’s difficult to keep track of what they all go to. This can leave you in a bind if you’re trying to find a specific key quickly. Here are a few tips to help keep your keychain organized so you can avoid these issues. 

How Can You Keep Your Keychain Organized?

1. Declutter 

The first step is removing all the keys you don’t actually need. It’s easy to accumulate various work, car, and house keys as you go through different phases in life and continue to add them onto your keychain. Go through each one and set aside those that you still use. The ones you can’t identify or no longer utilize can be kept together somewhere else. 

2. Separate  

house keysNext, separate the remaining keys into two groups according to how frequently you use them. Place those you need on a daily basis back on your keychain, and the others you only use occasionally can be put on another keychain and stored in a safe and accessible location. This will prevent you from having to sift through a number of keys to locate the one you’re looking for.

3. Label 

Once you’ve determined which function each key serves, label them so you can easily remember what they open. You can have new ones made with identifiable designs or color code them with toppers, using various shades to differentiate between your house key, work key, mailbox key, and any others you have.

4. Combine

For even more convenience, consider having us rekey your locks, so you have one house key that works in all entry doors. Getting rid of multiple keys for your home will help declutter your keychain, and if we make extra keys for your family it will be less confusing. Another option is to install a keyless entry system that allows you to unlock your doors with a code.


Even with a neat and orderly keychain, there is the potential you could get locked out or lose your car and house keys. Should you need help in a situation like this, trust our team at Lincoln Lock & Safe to provide you with a prompt and affordable solution. For 55 years, we’ve been providing the residents of Lancaster County, NE, with reliable locksmith services and are available to fulfill your requests any time of the day or night. Call (402) 475-0002 to speak with a friendly team member about your needs, or visit our website for more information on what we do. 
