
Social networking is a popular habit for many people, as it is a way to share both good and bad news with others instantly. When a loved one dies, you may wonder whether it is appropriate to discuss the funeral service on social media platforms. Friends and acquaintances also debate if using social media to mourn is appropriate. Below are the answers to questions like these so you know how to approach the situation. 

Questions About Social Media & Funeral Services Answered

Should I post a loved one’s passing on social media?

Sharing a loved one’s passing on social media is a decision everyone in the immediate family should weigh in on. Before you post or tweet an update, reach out to other relatives and close friends of the deceased to let them know personally of their passing. It’s standard to share basic information on social media sites, such as an announcement of the death and funeral service information.  

How can I use social media to honor the departed?

Rochester-New-York-funeral-serviceSocial media allows for the memory of your loved one to live on forever. Facebook, for example, allows users to memorialize the accounts of those they’ve lost. This way, friends and family members can share fond memories of the departed on their page. 

Is it okay to discuss an acquaintance’s death on social media?

When it comes to discussing the passing of an acquaintance on social media, take the lead of the surviving family members. You don’t know who is aware of their passing, so don’t mention it on social media unless the family has posted a statement first. This way, you won’t accidentally share information before the family gets a chance to. You can post your condolences in response to a general announcement or share funeral service details on your own page.  

What should I write in my post?

When deciding what message to send to the family on social media, think about what you would write in a condolence card. Keep the post short, with one or two sentences expressing your sorrow for their loss. Refrain from asking how the deceased died and other personal questions someone might have difficulty answering while grieving.


If you’ve lost a loved one in the Monroe County, NY, area, contact the professionals at Cremation Service of Western New York in Rochester. Since the facility opened in 1991, the technicians have been providing cremation and funeral services to families as they remember those who have passed away. Learn more about how the caring team will come to your aid online or call (585) 544-4500. 
