
Most people are somewhat familiar with groundhogs, but few have actually seen them up close, as they spend much of their time underground or burrowing into other small crevices. Unfortunately, these animals can present issues for property owners if they decide to make their homes nearby. Understanding the challenges and signs of an infestation can help you schedule animal removal services before any real damage is done.

What Are Groundhogs?

Groundhogs are marmots that usually weigh about 10 pounds, are covered with brown fur, and have short tails and sharp claws for digging. They burrow underground to create their homes and find food. If they’re present on your property, they may tear up your landscaping, eat food from your garden, or even burrow into your crawlspace.

How Can You Tell If You Have Them?

animal removalIf there’s a groundhog on your property, you’ll likely notice visible tunnel openings in the ground. There might even be sinking around your yard or underneath the foundation of your home. In your garden, you might notice bite marks on leaves or plants that appear overnight.

How Can You Get Rid of Them?

It’s best to leave all animal removal to professionals, so if you suspect that a groundhog is on your property, call a wildlife control company. They have the experience and equipment necessary to quickly trap the animal and take it to another location where it’ll be less of a nuisance. This lets you avoid coming in contact with the animal, which could carry fleas or diseases.


If you need any animal removal services, call the professionals at Urban Wildlife Control in Roswell, GA. This fully licensed and insured company specializes in safely and efficiently removing nuisance animals from homes and businesses throughout the Atlanta area. They also provide dead animal removal, waste cleanup, and bee and wasp control solutions. Visit the company’s website to see a full rundown of their services, or call (678) 493-7194 to request an inspection.
