
Experiencing trouble with your exhaust system could cause one of several problems, including vibration and decreased fuel efficiency. However, by spotting the warning signs of a failing system, you can prevent these problems as well as expensive auto repairs. Here are three signs your car’s exhaust system might need to be looked at by a professional. 

Symptoms of a Troubled Car Exhaust System

1. Engine Noise

Since the exhaust system is located on the bottom of the car, it’s prone to problems like dents, cracks, and even holes. As air escapes these areas, it can create a sputtering noise or even a rumbling, which should signal that there’s a problem. Leaks from the exhaust manifold can be dangerous since it could allow carbon monoxide to leak into the cabin of the car. Anytime you hear new noises coming from your engine, take your car in for auto repairs. 

2. Decreased Acceleration

auto repairYour vehicle relies on fresh, incoming air and proper exhaust to power the combustion in the engine. Unfortunately, when there are issues with the exhaust system, it could impact the way exhaust leaves your car. This throws off the air balance inside of the engine, resulting in a decreased ability to accelerate properly. 

3. Visible Signs of Damage 

If the exhaust pipe looks bent, perforated, or damaged in any way, it should be checked by an auto repair professional. When exhaust pipes are damaged, they often hang from a car—which makes it difficult to move through roadways with dips or peaks. To spot vehicle damage, take a photo of your car from all angles once or twice a year. Then, compare those pictures with previous shots. 


If your car seems to be struggling and you are concerned about its exhaust system, turn to Car Care Clinic at Gateway Transmissions in Oak Harbor, WA. Since their inception in 1999, this trusted team of auto repair professionals has been helping home and business owners with everything from brake and transmission repairs to wheel alignment and air conditioning maintenance. To find out how they can help, visit their website or give their office a call at (360) 679-0700.
