
Clean, fresh drinking water is integral for good health. If you currently use your tap water for drinking, you may have concerns about water quality. You may also be dissatisfied with the taste of your water, which can contain minerals and other particles that make it less palatable. If you have these concerns, it’s time to contact a plumber about installing a water treatment system in your home. 

Why Do I Need a Water Treatment System?

1. Save Money

Many people sidestep the problem of questionable tap water by purchasing bottled water at the grocery store. While filtered and tasty, bottled water can get expensive. It also creates a lot of waste, which can add up exponentially over time.

All too often, plastic makes its way to bodies of water and causes disastrous effects for local aquatic life. With a water treatment system, you save money and the environment. 

2. Remove Hard Water

plumberMinerals in your water aren’t harmful, but they can cause problems in your home. “Hard” water leaves a film on dishes and showers, decreases the effectiveness of soap, and can even damage the appliances over time. With water treatment, mineral levels are reduced, and the effects of hard water can be prevented. 

3. Improve Taste

Imagine the taste of clean, crisp water flowing right out of your tap. That’s what you’ll get with a water filtration system, which removes particles for better-tasting water for drinking and cooking. Filtered water also offers health benefits; when water tastes better, you and your family are more inclined to drink the right daily amount. 


If you want fresh, tasty water right out of your home tap, a plumber can help. Pelner-Williams Plumbing & Heating of Wisconsin Rapids, WI, repairs and installs filtration systems. They also provide other essential plumbing services, including fixing leaks, clogs, and broken components. Schedule a consultation with a plumber today by calling (715) 424-7800. If you want to know more about their complete listing of plumbing services, feel free to visit the website
