
Saliva is essential in protecting your teeth and gums thanks to its antibacterial properties. As a result, too little saliva in your mouth can cause a lot of problems, including dry mouth. Here’s a quick guide on what causes dry mouth and how dentists recommend that you treat it.

What Is Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth happens when you can’t produce enough saliva, making your mouth feel parched. It isn’t dangerous in itself, but it can lead to other problems, such as gum diseases or indigestion. This is because saliva restricts bacterial growth in your mouth and has enzymes that help digest your food.

Dehydration is usually the culprit behind dry mouth, as it means you don’t have enough water in your body to generate saliva. However, it can also be a side effect of your medication. The nicotine in tobacco also causes reduced saliva production. If you’re not sure of the real cause, make an appointment with your dentist.

What Are the Symptoms?

dentistAside from dryness in your mouth, not having enough saliva can also result in other symptoms, such as cracked lips, difficulty chewing and swallowing, and a hoarse throat. You may also feel thirsty because your mouth is trying to compensate for the lack of moisture. With no saliva to regulate the germs and get rid of dead cells in your mouth, particles will build up and lead to bad breath and tooth decay.

How Can You Treat It?

Staying hydrated will give your body enough water to produce more saliva. You should also avoid breathing through your mouth since the air will make it dryer. Your dentist can even recommend a saliva stimulant for you if you’re still not making enough. If your medication caused your dry mouth, ask your doctor for a different dosage, or change it to something else.

If you already have gum or tooth problems because of your dry mouth, have them treated as soon as possible to keep them from worsening.


When you need help resolving oral health problems, including dry mouth, head over to Anderson Dental Group in Mooresville and Salisbury, NC. Their expertise in general and restoration dentistry has been transforming smiles since 1999. From checkups to implants, their staff is always ready to help you every step of the way. You can book your appointment with a dentist on their website, or call their offices at (704) 663-3300 in Mooresville or (704) 636-3611 in Salisbury.
