
Dogs are loving companions and form genuine emotional attachments to their owners. If you’ve ever welcomed a canine into your home, you know that they are more like a family member than a pet. While the passing of your four-legged friend is undoubtedly difficult, finding ways to memorialize them can bring you comfort. Below, consider the following pet keepsake ideas.

What Are Some Pet Keepsakes That Will Memorialize Your Dog?

1. Compile Your Photos

Put together pictures of your pet in a beautiful photo album. Pick your favorites and have them framed so they can be displayed where you can easily see them. You can use a digital photo frame, which shows multiple images, to save space while also arranging the photos in a beautiful slide show.

2. Plant a Tree in Your Dog's Honor

pet keepsakeConsider planting a tree as a pet keepsake for your dog. A tree is a long-lasting tribute to your canine that can survive for centuries. If your dog had a favorite spot to play or dig holes in the yard, this could serve as the perfect spot to grow their tree.

3. Place an Urn in Your Home

If you have your pet cremated, you can keep their ashes in a decorative urn. You can set it on a mantlepiece or a dedicated pedestal, so your dog will always have a place in your home. Additionally, urns can be personalized with special messages, including their name, or the date you brought them home or when they were born.


When deciding to have your dog cremated, trust Char Mac Pet Cremation to handle the task with compassion and professionalism. Located in Cincinnati, OH, they have been providing animal cremation and pet burial services since 1973. Their caring team will take the time to discuss how you can best celebrate your four-legged friend's life, and offer suggestions for pet keepsakes in line with your wishes. From making memorial arrangements to choosing the perfect urn, they will accompany you every step of the way. Review their testimonials from previous clients online or call (513) 851-5791 to schedule an appointment.
