
While it’s tradition to exchange wedding rings, it’s not quite as common to research the history of this enduring practice. Yet it’s something that has remained consistent for generations. What exactly is behind this curiously beautiful jewelry custom, and why is it still relevant today? Here’s a little bit about the history of wedding bands.

Where It All Began

Legend gives us the story of the ancient Egyptians, whose scrolls often tell tales of their earliest practices. Among them was text discussing couples who shared the old-world form of a wedding band: a braided piece of hemp. Because the fabric wasn’t long-lasting, it was replaced with a much harder material, like ivory. Love was the sentiment behind every exchange, but rings made with costlier materials were thought to symbolize even stronger, more meaningful passion. The earliest Egyptian writings also referred to their belief that the rings were reflective of more than just gift-giving—they illustrated a continuous circle of commitment and unconditional love between one another.

From Hemp to Metal

Florence, KY wedding bandsWhile fabric was the original material of choice, somewhere along the way, people began the far more contemporary habit of exchanging metal wedding bands. It’s thought that this custom originated in ancient Rome. At the time, the groom would place an iron ring on his bride’s finger. Its incredible strength was believed to be emblematic of the permanent bond the two shared. The ring was traditionally put on the left hand, possibly because more people were right-handed, and there was less concern about the potential of damaging the jewelry.

Sign of Commitment

Through the ages, in all its forms, the wedding band has served as a sign of devotion and commitment between two people. The habit remained popular for decades, and by the early 20th century, it also began to serve as a sign of commemoration. Soldiers serving in World War II would wear their rings to acknowledge their marriages and honor their wives while abroad. Eventually, civilians also began to wear rings. The modern-day version is available in thousands of colors, cuts, and variations.

If you’re seeking a beautiful engagement ring or wedding band for your special day, visit Klass Jewelers in Florence, KY. The family-owned jeweler is committed to your satisfaction every step of the way, and they’re determined to help you select the most memorable piece of jewelry for the occasion. Visit the website for more information, or call (859) 525-7500 to speak with a representative.
