
If you’re welcoming in-laws or other visitors to your home for an overnight stay, put some extra attention into tidying up the place. A few house cleaning efforts leave your home sparkling for friends and family. Here are some tips to get your space ready.

How to Prepare Your Home for Guests

1. Eliminate Odors

It’s easy to overlook odors when you become accustomed to them, but there are small steps you can take to give your living space a more pleasant aroma.

Clean bathrooms and the kitchen using aromatic cleaning products. Empty trash cans and wash the bedding in the guest room. You can even set the tone by adding a candle and matchbox to your guests’ nightstand. 

2. Set Up the Kitchen

Montgomery County, MD house cleaningThe kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s a natural gathering spot, so expect your guests to spend plenty of time there with you as you entertain them.

Make sure it’s fully stocked with items people may want, including tea, coffee, and snacks. Any special products you buy for guests should be easily accessible on countertops. If the room is a bit cluttered, now is the time to put a little extra energy into house cleaning. Find a place for everything, including spice bottles, appliances, and baking ingredients.

3. Transform the Guest Bathroom

General house cleaning involves dusting, wiping, and vacuuming. This is enough for most rooms of the home, but make a special effort to give the guest bathroom a hospitable appearance.

Place freshly washed towels inside, clean all surfaces until they sparkle, and provide enough toiletries for everyone to use. Don’t forget about decorations. Adding a few accessories to the counter transforms the bathroom from merely functional to beautiful.



For the best results, work with the team at Maid Brigade of Rockville to schedule a thorough one-time cleaning before your overnight guests arrive. Proudly serving clients throughout Montgomery County, MD, the locally owned cleaning service ensures that your property looks its best. Count on them for dusting, vacuuming, and extra touches. Visit their website for information on what’s included, or call (301) 424-6243 to book an appointment.
