
            On October 3, 1989, attorneys Ben Barrett and David Miraldi began a trial in Cleveland for their clients, Marie and Chuck Grossman. Two years earlier, Marie had been subject to a criminal attack at a Burger King Restaurant near the Cleveland Clinic. On behalf of the Grossmans, Miraldi and Barrett sued Burger King and its local owner for their failure to implement adequate security at that restaurant.


            Today, Marie’s story, including this trial, is the subject of a new book, The Edge of Malice: The Marie Grossman Story written by David Miraldi and released by Prometheus Books several weeks ago. The book tells of Marie’s struggle to seek justice in both the criminal and civil courts, but more than that, it chronicles her battle to defeat fear and overcome the anger and hate that she felt toward her assailant.


            The book has received strong reviews and is a top seller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. For more about the book, visit the author’s website.
