
If you’re having trouble bending down, climbing stairs, or even walking due to knee pain, you may be surprised to learn that a chiropractor can help. Chiropractors are trained and experienced in using advanced therapeutic techniques to help effectively resolve pain at the root of the problem. Use this guide to learn more about how you could benefit from chiropractic treatment.

Symptoms of Knee Pain

Knee pain isn’t just an occasional twinge of discomfort, but rather persistent pain in one or both knees, and it can affect people of all ages and conditions. As we age, knee cartilage can gradually wear away, exposing the joint to continuous and painful grinding. This pain can also be a result of an injury from a sports collision, exercise mishap, or even a small fall.

chiropractorCommon symptoms can include swelling and stiffness, unusual popping or crunching noises, difficulty straightening the leg, and weakness or instability. There are several options for chiropractic treatment that will provide relief for these symptoms and restore your mobility.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

A chiropractor will begin treatment by examining your overall posture and joint and bone health. Chiropractic treatment sees the body as an integrated system. If your spine, hips, or other joints are out of alignment, adjustments can help reduce pressure and pain in the knees. Even if direct knee problems are causing distress, you can work with your doctor to devise a treatment plan to minimize issues with the affected area.

Treatments can include using ice packs to reduce swelling and manual joint manipulation to realign the knee. Physical therapy programs, as well as gentle stretches and exercises, can help restore flexibility and mobility. 

An effective chiropractic treatment plan can help regain lost muscular strength, and decrease the chance of re-injuring the area and developing further complications. A tailored treatment plan will allow you to address the root cause of your discomfort and help resolve your pain medication- and surgery-free.


When looking for a natural, holistic, and successful way to treat knee pain, turn to the experts at Back to Health Chiropractic of Florence, KY. These professionals use over 25 years of experience and training to provide excellent treatment for a wide range of conditions, including knee pain, back pain, herniated discs, and scoliosis. To book a consultation, call (859) 746-2222 or learn more on their informative website.
