
While dental anxiety is most often associated with young patients, adults can also experience stress when visiting the dentist. Even if these fears are unfounded, dental anxiety can be difficult to deal with, and may even get in the way of your oral health. Here are a few effective coping methods to help you overcome your fear of the dentist. 

How Can I Decrease Anxiety When Visiting the Dentist?

1. Share Your Concerns

Dental care offices want patients to feel as relaxed as possible, so it’s best to share your concerns. For example, if you’re afraid of needles, the dentist can apply a topical gel rather than inject a sedative into your gum. If you’re nervous about sedation methods, your dentist can offer you several options, including intravenous and gas, to ease your worries.

By sharing your fears about needles or other aspects of a procedure, your dentist can make the right accommodations to put you at ease. 

2. Develop a Hand Signal

dentistThere may come a time during your appointment when you’re unable to communicate directly with your dental care team while a procedure is in progress. In this case, develop a hand signal or gesture, such as a tap on the arm or a hand raise, to signal that something hurts or you need a break.

Even if you never need to use your signal, you’ll be reassured knowing it’s an option. 

3. Select the Right Day & Time for the Appointment

Scheduling a dental appointment before work or during a lunch break will only compound the stress you’re feeling. Instead, try scheduling your visit later in the day after work or on the weekend if the office is available. That way, you can focus on your dental care without worries about work or other personal obligations. 



Working with a dental care team that prioritizes your comfort also decreases stress and anxiety. Dr. Thomas Park DDS and his staff go above and beyond to ensure their patients are calm and relaxed. Serving patients in Seymour, CT, this practice offers an array of dental services, such as checkups, fillings, and dental crowns. Call (203) 888-9947 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to browse their services.
