
As a funeral director this is not what I signed up for… It is sad to have families not be able to grieve as a community.  However, over the past 2 months I have had the pleasure of conducting some wonderful family celebrations.  They are personal and more meaningful than I have seen in 20 years. 

There is also misinformation circulating so here are clarifications.

  1. Your loved one does NOT have to be taken directly to the crematory and cremated.  
  2. You CAN have a visitation.  It is limited to the number of people the funeral home can hold maintaining social distancing measures.  For instance our funeral home can handle about 15-17 households.  This means your family (household) of 4 can sit together and the next household will be six foot away.  The max number is 50 people gathered (State and CDC have set these numbers).
  3. You CAN have a visitation if your loved one dies from Covid 19.  Funeral staff are utilizing Universal precautions every time we pick up and embalm.  Yes we have changed the way we do things to make it safer for all involved. (Typically if a family member dies due to covid 19, more restrictions on the people around may have to be looked at if those who were in direct contact should be quarantined.

Because most funeral homes are being responsible and listening to directives given by State and Professional organizations currently private family viewings and services are being conducted. We are a caring society where family and friends have the tradition of coming together during difficult times to embrace and comfort one another.  Through hugs, listening ears and being present for life’s events. From my experience since this outbreak it is hard enough to keep family members from hugging and bring friends into the situation and widen the possibility of a family member or friend contracting this virus just isn’t worth the risks.  I know there are the people that don’t think this is real however, I look at it this way.. I would be heartbroken if someone died from being at a funeral and it was in my funeral home.

So this brings up a big question... what funerals will look like going forward?  I think that will be determined by families and what they feel comfortable with along with the changing state and local regulations. I do feel that as we go forward it is important for funeral homes to have the proper safety procedures put into place to keep everyone safe. With the proper procedures the state is more likely to lift current restrictions and sooner rather than later this year we will see more families conducting their Celebration of Life Services. With the proper planning and guidance they will be more meaningful and healing than ever before.

Creating meaningful services within your budget is what we strive to do at Brater Winter Funeral Homes.

God Bless you and your families during this time. ~ Jolene Winter, owner Brater Winter Funeral Homes. 
