
Rodents can wreak havoc in your home, chewing up your food, furniture, and even wall insulation. Moreover, these pests can carry fatal diseases, such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonellosis, risking the health of your household. Hiring rodent removal services is the best way to get rid of these critters, but you can take additional steps to keep them at bay.

3 Ways to Protect Your Home From Rodents

1. Maintain Your Home 

Seal all holes and cracks around entrances, windows, and fixtures with caulk and sealants to prevent mice and rats from coming in. Also, sweep your floors and wipe your countertops daily to clean up crumbs. If you spot leaky faucets, have them taken care of right away. These steps will remove food and water sources from infiltrating rodents.

2. Seal Your Food in Storage Containers

Even if your food is rodent removalsealed in plastic or paper wrapping, rats and mice can still chew through them. To protect your food, store it in hard plastic storage containers with airtight lids. Check that the containers don’t have cracks or holes. 

Also, keep the lid on your garbage bin closed tightly, as rodents are attracted to the smell of food waste.

3. Use Natural Repellants

Many homeowners resort to traps and poisons for rodent removal. While these can be effective, they can also be hazardous to children and pets.

Instead, opt for natural repellants. Rodents have a strong sense of smell and dislike the pungent scent of cayenne pepper, cloves, or peppermint oil. Spread these repellants around suspected rodent entry points. 


For effective rodent removal, count on the residential pest control services of Pest Tech Hawaii in Honolulu. With over 100 years of combined experience, these experts exterminate termites, bedbugs, roaches, and other pests using the latest equipment and techniques. Request a free estimate today by calling (808) 784-2847, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
