
Living with a chronic illness—such as Crohn’s disease, diabetes, or multiple sclerosis—can be a tough life challenge, one that you may be forced to think about almost every day. When setbacks occur, it’s easy to get frustrated and feel like keeping a positive outlook is impossible. But just like your illness, these feelings will change as you experience both good and bad days. To help you maintain positivity and manage setbacks when they occur, follow the suggestions below.

3 Tips for Staying Positive When You Have a Chronic Illness

1. Allow Yourself to Experience Feelings

It’s natural to feel sad, angry, and scared about being diagnosed with a chronic illness. Accept these emotions as integral to the journey you are on.

Ignoring or pushing away these feelings will only make them stronger and more painful. Take the time to honor and process your emotions, perhaps with the help of a professional psychologist or life coach who can help you unpack and understand these complex feelings.

2. Build a Support System

Life ChallengesIt’s easier to stay positive  when you know you are not alone. Don’t keep your feelings bottled up—reach out to family and friends when you need a shoulder to lean on. You could also find a chronic illness support group to attend in your area.

Speaking with people who are experiencing the same struggles and understand what you are going through can be profoundly therapeutic. It can also help improve your own outlook as you see other people facing their life challenges and persevering. 

3. Practice Self Care

Making concrete plans to pamper yourself regularly is an excellent way to boost your mood and help you focus on the positive aspects of life. Whether it’s taking a hot bath, treating yourself to a massage, or going for a short walk, these activities give you something to look forward to, especially when you’re having a particularly tough day.


If you have a chronic illness or are struggling with another tough life challenge, Audrey Berger, Ph.D., can help. For more than 38 years, this certified psychologist and life coach has been helping clients throughout Rochester, NY, face tough issues and life transitions in all areas of life, including health problems, relationship challenges, and work setbacks. Dr. Berger also has a coaching website oriented toward education. You can visit that educational website to learn more information about managing chronic illness. Call (585) 292-0095 to set up an appointment or a complete a contact form. She offers phone sessions and online therapy for your convenience.
