
In beloved memory of our cherished cat, Nicky, we founded “Nicky’s Scholarship Fund,” a grant established specifically to support local feral cats.  Just like the rest of the Nutmeg team, Nicky had a very special place in his heart for feral kitties, even though he gave that life up years ago. 


Nicky’s Scholarship Fund is meant to support feral cats in any and every way possible.  These proceeds will be used for the spay/neuter, vaccination, tattooing and ear tipping of feral cats, resources for feral cats and their caretakers, and even a “Finishing School for Mild-Mannered Ferals” (a.k.a. “Socialization and Adoption of Semi-Feral Cats & Kittens” J).


Help us reach our 2020 goal of $2750 for Nicky’s Fund – this will allow us to spay/neuter, vaccinate and eartip up to 50 feral cats.  By spaying and neutering just one male cat and one female cat, more than 2,000 births can be prevented in just four years – and more than 2 million in 8 years!  By our calculations, that gives us the potential to prevent more than 100,000,000 unwanted births in the next 8 years!!!


Do you have a special place in your heart for feral cats?  Consider making a tax-deductible donation to “Nicky’s Scholarship Fund,” and support feral cats throughout your community.


  • Visit
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page, enter your desired gift, and hit DONATE NOW
  • If you would like your donation to be used specifically for “Nicky’s Scholarship Fund,” you can indicate that in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/NOTES section
  • You will receive a tax receipt, a personalized thank you letter, and regular updates on how your gift is providing direct, invaluable support to causes you care about


Nicky came to us in a blizzard, and with the inclement New England weather, it was decided he would stay at the clinic until springtime…so naturally, he spent the next six years working side by side with us. 

Nicky quickly became the kitty ambassador of our clinic.  He became well-known amongst our clients, and if you were lucky, he even greeted you at the front desk.  Nicky clearly felt like he was management material, and it was not long before he became “Head of Human Resources.”

Nicky’s favorite past times include pulling out blankets from the middle of the pile, sharing war stories with feral cats, spreading awareness about spay/neuter, cuddling, sneaking dry food, playing dress-up, fighting pet overpopulation, being a social media sensation, and most of all…just being one of the gang. 

We will continue to see him out of the corner of our eye, blocking the door, trying to make his way into surgery.  Laying down in your path, refusing to move until you pet him, which often ended in a bite!!  He was a crazy foot man and would rub on your shoes if you stood in one stop for too long.  Part of your day would be spent sitting on the edge of your chair because he insisted on sitting right behind you, hogging said chair.  He tolerated our unsolicited hugs and kisses for as long as possible.  These times, too, might end in a bite.  It was all worth it though, because getting to hug Nicky was one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Nicky is survived by his clowder of cat brothers and sisters, and his 9 beloved human companions. 

For Nicky, 2012-2019

Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic is a 501c3 Nonprofit Spay/Neuter Clinic that has been serving Connecticut for more than 7 years.  Our nonprofit offers an even lower cost package of $55 for feral cats that includes spay/neuter surgery, rabies vaccine, distemper vaccine, eartip, and tattoo. We have performed more than 34,000 spay/neuter surgeries and prevented tens of thousands of unwanted litters as a result.  For more information on how to have your pet spayed or neutered, please visit today!

