
Trees provide shade, oxygen, and beauty to yards, parks, and sidewalks. Certain species thrive in New York’s climate, and you may have some on your property. Here are a few common ones and tree care tips to keep your yard safe and beautiful.

Trees to See in New York

1. American Elm

American Elms can live for hundreds of years and also handle extremely cold temperatures well. This deciduous tree grows quickly and can reach between 80 to 100 feet tall. The bark is dark grayish brown with broad ridges and diamond-shaped fissures.

The crown is symmetrical, rounded, or vase-like, and the coarse leaves measure three to five inches long and one to three inches wide. Elms like full sun or partial shade in moist soil. Mulching around the base helps retain moisture.

2. Balsam Fir

tree careThese small to medium evergreens usually grow between 46 to 66 feet tall. Balsam firs have a narrow conic crown made up of dense, dark green leaves that are flat and needle-like. These needles become shorter and thicker the higher you go.

Young firs have smooth gray bark that gets rough and scaly as it matures. Tree care for young firs requires a lot of water, but older ones only need saturation during dry spells.

3. Black Cherry

The black cherry species is a fast-growing deciduous tree that reaches between 50 to 80 feet in height. Leaves are two to five inches and ovate-lanceolate, meaning they’re egg-shaped with a lance-shaped end. Their fall color ranges from yellow to red, and their small flowers produce edible reddish blackberries.

The bark is dark gray to black, and the texture appears broken in mature trees. These trees prefer some sunlight, but they’ll thrive in shady areas. They’re also fairly low maintenance due to their ability to survive in nearly any type of soil.

4. Eastern Hemlock

These trees can grow to about 100 feet and are known for their long life and ability to grow well in the shade. They have a straight trunk and a broad, conic crown, and their bark is typically a scaly brown with deep fissures. Their leaves are small, flat, and distichous, meaning they’re arranged in two vertical columns on opposite sides of the stem.

The wood of this tree is soft and coarse, and although it used as lumber in construction, it is also a good source for paper. Eastern Hemlocks are low maintenance but require acidic, moist soil.


When you need tree care in Rochester, NY, call Brongo’s Tree Service. Their expert team offers professional tree trimming, land clearing, and stump grinding to keep the trees on your property healthy and safe. They also provide 24-hour tree removal services when storms or other damage threaten your space. To make an appointment, call (585) 426-8733, or visit their website to view their gallery.
