
Providing a healthy, consistent diet is a staple of pet care, and you want to ensure you’re giving your puppy the nutrients they need. Practicing proven feeding methods and incorporating the advice of a veterinarian can help you keep your pet happy and healthy. If you’re just getting started, use the following helpful tips to keep your puppy well-fed.

How to Feed a Puppy Properly 

1. Follow the Feeding Timeline

The American Kennel Club has a recommended feeding timeline for puppies. Animals that are 6-12 weeks old require puppy-specific foods that contain the nutrients they need to grow. Begin using dry food by 9-10 weeks for large dogs or 12-13 weeks for smaller breeds.

You should serve three meals each day when they’re 3-6 months old and cut down to two meals at 6-12 months. After one year, serve two half-portions of adult dog food each day.

2. Serve Small Meals

pet carePuppies enjoy small meals throughout the day to fulfill their bodies’ needs as they rapidly grow. Feed them four times each day for the first three months.

At first, you may want to use a milk replacer since the puppy will need to adjust to branded food. You can gradually reduce the amount of milk until they’re only eating the food.

3. Discuss Foods With a Professional

Puppies require plenty of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to grow. A balanced diet is usually found in puppy-specific food, and a pet care professional can guide you to the right product.

After you choose a new food, pay careful attention to your pet’s eating habits. Vomiting, diarrhea, or discomfort could mean that they have an allergy or that the food isn’t sitting well, and you’ll want to discuss different brands with a veterinarian.

4. Make Sure Water Is Always Available

While canned dog food contains water, it isn’t enough to keep your puppy hydrated. Make sure they have access to a constant supply of fresh water. Most puppies require a half cup of water every two hours, and they’ll drink more if they play outside for an extended period. If you plan on a long trip to the park, bring a clean bowl and water supply with you.


If you have further questions about your puppy’s diet, contact Dells Animal Hospital. Based in Wisconsin Dells, WI, this pet care facility welcomes dogs and cats of all ages and will create a customized care plan to keep your pet healthy. This animal clinic provides comprehensive veterinary services that you can explore on their website. Call (608) 253-7361 to schedule an exam, or connect on Facebook for more pet care tips.
