
A root canal is performed to save a tooth from decay or damage. It involves drilling into a numbed tooth to extract the damaged pulp tissue that has been causing you pain, filling the hole, and then covering it with a crown or sealing it in some other way. While most procedures are a success, there are some cases where the root canal fails to heal correctly. When issues do occur, undergoing retreatment may be the best option. 

Why Root Canals Fail

While root canals fortify a tooth after damage, they can leave the inner recesses vulnerable to bacteria. If the crown isn’t positioned properly or if there is a delay between the procedure and crown placement, the interior of the tooth can become infected or diseased. 

If your tooth’s canal—a part of your tooth that includes the pulp chamber—is unusually shaped, then infection might have lingered in a hidden recess.

New damage to the tooth can also compromise its stability. This damage may be caused by cracking or chipping.

What to Expect During Retreatment

Root CanalRoot canal retreatment is very similar to standard root canals. If the tooth has a crown, the dentist will remove it so that they have access to the inner portion. They will also extract any previously applied filling material. This allows the dentist to evaluate the tooth and its stability. 

Issues related to the canal shape require surgery to straighten or widen the channel to provide better access. If this isn’t necessary, your provider will thoroughly clean the canals before refilling them.

Once adequately sealed, they will once again place a crown over the tooth. A temporary crown may be used in the interim to protect the tooth until the permanent version is ready. 


Blome Family Dentistry makes sure patients are well-informed about any procedure they undergo so they can take steps to preserve their oral health. They also go above and beyond to create a relaxed and calm atmosphere to set clients at ease—providing blankets, headphones, and TV viewing. Call (402) 483-7000 today to schedule an appointment in Lincoln, NE. You can also learn more about root canal therapy online
