
Throughout your life, you’ve hopefully known that good oral hygiene means brushing and flossing regularly, but did you know that your dental needs can change as you age? Getting older in years can make you more susceptible to certain oral conditions, and your oral hygiene routine should reflect this. Here is more information on dental needs as a senior and what you can do to improve your oral health.

Why Dental Needs Change in Later Years

Your risk for oral cancer doubles at the age of 50, and it rises steadily from there, so monitoring is needed to detect it. Your enamel has been worn down naturally throughout your life from eating and drinking, and since it protects your teeth, this puts you at higher risk for cavities and staining. If you have diabetes, you’re at a higher risk for severe gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss. 

Certain medications commonly prescribed to seniors, like diuretics and decongestants, can cause dry mouth as a side effect. Since saliva serves several functions in your oral health, this puts you at a higher risk of cavities, weak teeth, sensitivity, and infections. Plus, if you’ve had untreated oral diseases for a while like periodontitis or decay, their progression often enters critical stages in late adulthood, causing tooth loss.

What You Can Do to Curb Your Risk

oral hygieneFollow a thorough oral hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing at least twice a day and limit your intake of acidic and sweet foods that contribute to enamel wear and decay. Schedule annual or biannual oral exams (depending on your dentist’s recommendations for your risk level) to receive a cleaning to prevent gum disease and detect early signs of cancer, decay, or gum disease. Avoid tobacco and alcohol use to lower your risk for oral cancer. If you’re experiencing dry mouth, speak to your doctor about changing to a medication that doesn’t cause this, or ask your dental office about products that can combat it. 

Keep your oral hygiene and health in good shape by seeing an experienced dentist. Allen S. Braumiller Jr., DDS, PC serves Coweta, OK, with comprehensive family dentistry services backed by over 33 years’ experience. Their care includes oral exams, cleanings, x-rays, oral cancer screenings, and gum disease and cavity treatment, with high flexibility in scheduling. Call (918) 486-6516 with questions or to schedule an appointment.
