
Many people think that farming consists of merely planting and watering crops, but it also involves handling natural disasters and inclement weather that can ruin entire fields. Hail damage is a particularly common problem that farmers should prepare to face. After a storm passes, you should assess the damage before filing a claim with your insurance provider.

3 Steps to Take After a Hail Storm

1. Wait a Few Days

After the storm, you might be eager to get outside and survey the damage. However, even if you're curious, try to wait at least three to five days before stepping out and documenting what happened.

The damage will always look more drastic immediately after the skies clear. In about 10 days, you can make a more accurate analysis of how many plants will survive.

2. Perform a Stand Assessment

hail damageNext, you’ll want to make a brief estimate of your profit losses due to the hail damage. To make a stand assessment, compare the number of plants that were thriving before the storm to those still standing after.

After waiting 10 days, you’ll be able to identify the plants whose leaves are no longer growing correctly. These should be left out of the “standing” group. These figures will help you determine the percent yield loss caused by the hail damage.

3. Consider Defoliation

It’s also crucial to assess defoliation, or the number of leaves lost to falling hail. If you grow soybean plants, slight defoliation is usually only a hazard during reproductive stages. However, if all of the leaves were stripped from a soybean plant, it is considered compromised.

Defoliation is more of a concern for corn. For example, an 85% leaf area loss at the seven-leaf stage could bring your yield down by 7%. Keeping track of these numbers can help you better understand how much the storm affected your farm and how you can recover.


If you’re worried about your crops surviving after a hail storm, turn to Nebraska Crop Insurance Agency, Inc. Based in Beatrice, NE, this company has offered a wide range of coverage for farmers since 1981. With their help, you can find a policy that provides comfort, no matter the weather. To learn more about their affordable rates, call (402) 223-2694. Learn more about their services by visiting the website.
