
If your smile has imperfections, such as tooth discoloration, chipping, misalignment, and gaps, you might wonder how to improve it permanently. Porcelain veneers are custom-made shells that bond to the surface of the teeth to change their color, shape, size, or length. Once a dentist fits them onto your teeth, care for them so that they continue to look excellent and remain intact. Here are a handful of guidelines.


Avoid certain foods.

Eating tough foods, such as hard candy, fibrous vegetables, and chewy meats, may loosen the bonding of your veneers. Since this could cause them to fall off the tooth surfaces, cut these foods out of your diet. Additionally, sweet and starchy foods—including cakes, pies, breads, and grains—cause plaque buildups and discoloration, so eat them sparingly.

Change your toothbrush.

veneersDentists recommend brushing porcelain veneers twice daily to maintain their appearance and integrity. However, you should use a different toothbrush so that you don’t damage the prosthetic surfaces.

Switch your normal toothbrush for one with soft bristles that will clean without leaving scratches.


Use regular toothpaste.

Most regular toothpastes contain additives that are harsh on porcelain veneers. Baking soda is a common ingredient that abrades the surfaces and makes them lose their luster. Swap out your usual toothpaste for a product that does not contain sodium bicarbonate.

Forget dental checkups.

Plaque contains bacteria that may infect the gums, and swelling may cause the prosthetics to weaken. Schedule appointments with your dentist twice per year to clean plaque and tartar buildups from veneers and the surrounding teeth.


Enjoy a strong and beautiful smile with porcelain veneers from Mark Stephens DMD. This dentist provides cosmetic, emergency, and family dentistry to clients throughout Richmond, KY. Call (859) 626-0069 make an appointment, and visit the website to learn more about how they can keep your teeth, mouth, and gums healthy.
