
It might come as a shock to learn that something may be living in your roof. This can be a serious problem, and Rainbow Roof Maintenance in Honolulu, HI wants to help you spot the signs of an infestation in your roof. These roof-dwellers can range from material and debris to bacteria and animals of various sizes.

Here's a quick overview of a few things you don't want creeping around in your roof and the kind of trouble they can cause.

  • Bacteria: Like any surface, roofs tend to attract all kinds of bacteria. Bacteria such as gloeocapsa magma, typically identified as algae growth, is suspected as a cause of deteriorating shingles. These black splotches seem unavoidable, and you many just chalk it up to a sign of aging, but a good cleaning will help clear them up and extend your roof's life expectancy.

  • The Birds And The Bees: Even the highest quality roofing material is susceptible to pests and other animal infestations; it's important to be on the lookout for evidence of any unwanted tenants. From bees to roosting pigeons and even roof rats, anything of the sort is a good reason to call for some assistance from the professionals.
  • Debris From Above: One of the most common things found in your roof will no doubt be debris carried in by rain, wind, or possibly the aforementioned critters. Even if it's just leaves or other parts of trees, a small problem can snowball into something more serious, like moss and fungus being introduced to the area.

Thankfully you don't need to worry about handling whatever might be lurking in your roof on your own because Rainbow Roof Maintenance will take care of any and all roofing problems. Visit them online or call them at (808) 842-0488 for a consultation.
