
Humans weren’t designed to be sedentary. Whether it’s sitting or standing, being in one position for several hours a day can be detrimental to your health. Standing, in particular, can cause a host of issues, including chronic foot pain. If your job requires you to be on your feet for long periods, use this guide to improve your health and reduce discomfort. 

Possible Problems

Standing for several hours a day can strain the joints and muscles in the lower half of the body, including the feet, ankles, and legs, as well as the hips and lower back. You may feel muscle fatigue and discomfort in these areas.

You may also experience swelling and develop calluses, bunions, heel pain, tendinitis, and other issues. Because standing can restrict blood flow, you might develop varicose veins. As your body tries to reposition to avoid pain, it can get out of alignment, requiring the muscles and ligaments to work harder to stabilize the spinal column.

As the spine curves from poor posture, its ability to maintain balance and absorb shock is inhibited. The culminating effect can be foot and leg issues, as well as back, neck, and knee pain.

What You Can Do About It 

foot painStart by investing in supportive shoes that cushion the feet and provide adequate arch support. The shoes shouldn’t elevate the heel more than 2 inches. Try shoes on before buying to ensure they offer enough room in the toes and are comfortable to stand and walk in. Your foot doctor may recommend a particular type of shoe depending on your line of work and foot composure. 

Stretching periodically can increase circulation and reduce foot pain. Take breaks once an hour to do circulation exercises to work the feet, legs, hips, and back. For instance, try doing yoga or other stretches.

During lunch breaks or at the end of the day, elevate your feet and legs to increase circulation. If you’re experiencing pain or swelling, ice the area. Occasional acupuncture and massage appointments can also be helpful. 


If you’re experiencing foot pain, turn to Aquilar Foot Care Clinic in Russellville, AR. For years, board-certified podiatrist Danny J. Aquilar and his team have provided Pope County with a range of foot care services for conditions including diabetes, heel spurs, and fractures. Call (479) 890-3668 to speak with a caring staff member to schedule an appointment. Visit the website to learn more about their range of affordable treatments. 
