
Most newly licensed teens are eager to hit the road on their own. However, when looking for auto insurance, parents often notice that premiums are higher for their children than for adults. Teen drivers are more at risk for accidents due to lack of experience, which is why it costs more to insure them. Fortunately, there are a few ways to minimize the expense.

How to Reduce Auto Insurance Rates for Teens

1. Enroll Them in a Safety Course

Teen drivers may be prone to reckless behavior and lapses in judgment, but defensive driving courses teach the skills they need to stay safe.

During training, they are taught road rules and how to avoid common causes of crashes. Choose a course approved by your insurer, which may be completed online.

2. Keep Tabs on Their Driving

Steering clear of accidents and following best practices bring down insurance costs over time.

Some insurers offer electronic monitoring devices you can install under the dashboard. The product collects data on the number of miles traveled, speed, hours on the road, and frequency of hard braking, which parents can check online. If you place one in your teen’s car and capture safe habits, you might secure discounts.

3. Pick an Older Vehicle

auto insuranceOlder cars cost less to insure since their replacement value is lower. If you give your teen their own vehicle, pick a pre-owned model for lower rates.

However, older models often have fewer safety features, driving up rates. To ensure your child’s welfare, pick ones that have been listed for safety in previous years.

4. Hike Deductibles

Higher deductibles result in lower monthly rates. The deductible is how much you pay before your coverage kicks in. Keep in mind that you should be comfortable paying this amount out-of-pocket if an accident occurs.


Bundling your coverage with homeowners insurance is another way to save. If you have a teen driver, trust Edwards Insurance Agency for all of the insurance coverage you need. Proudly serving the community of Sparta, WI, this insurance agency works with different providers to offer the best insurance rates available. You can choose from an extensive selection of policies at varying price points to customize your coverage. Visit their website for more on auto insurance, or call (608) 269-4512 to request a quote.
