
An asphalt driveway is an affordable, long-lasting paving solution for your home, but it is subject to dreaded cracks. Once a crack has formed, potholes and other forms of damage are likely to follow. Below, learn about the common causes of driveway cracks and why you should address them quickly.

What Are the Common Causes of Driveway Cracks?

1. UV Exposure

Your driveway relies on a top coat of sealant to prevent UV rays from breaking down the asphalt mixture. If this seal coat wears away, the asphalt mixture can begin drying out. This leads to cracking, and it also allows individual chunks of asphalt to separate from the driveway, creating small holes. In turn, these holes increase the likelihood of a larger pothole occurring.

2. Temperature Fluctuations

driveways-Kalispell, MT Once there are small holes in your asphalt driveway, water can seep into them. During the winter, this water will freeze and expand, pushing the asphalt apart. Over time, this temperature fluctuation cycle will create widening gaps in the asphalt. If you notice any cracks in your driveway, then have them repaired before winter arrives to prevent further damage.

3. Tree Roots

If the asphalt in your driveway is buckling upward, then tree roots are likely growing beneath it, displacing soil and putting pressure on the asphalt. Eventually, this pressure will cause the asphalt to buckle and crackle. To limit the chances of this problem, avoid planting any trees near the driveway.

4. Improper Installation

If you’re having a new driveway installed, it’s critical to find a certified, reputable contractor. A driveway that is poorly constructed or doesn’t allow proper drainage is almost certain to crack. Cheap base materials like sand or dirt will shift with movements of the earth and temperature fluctuations, which will expose your driveway to stress.


Get prompt crack repair for your driveway or parking lot from PaveCo in Kalispell, MT. With more than two decades of experience, this locally owned and operated paving company can patch potholes, pave new driveways, and repaint parking lots. They also offer sand and gravel deliveries and can aid construction projects with excavation and grading. Learn more about them online, and call (406) 752-0051 to set up a free estimate.
