
A stunning slate roof is sure to make your home stand out, but because it’s a less conventional material, you may have questions. Understanding this unique roofing material will help you have an informed conversation with your roofing contractor.

What You Need to Know About Slate Roofs

Why is it better than other materials?

slate-roof-mount-kiscoSlate is a popular roofing choice because of its many advantages. It’s a naturally occurring material, making it eco-friendly. It’s also a common misconception that slate roofs are only available in gray—or slate—colors. Homeowners won’t feel limited choosing slate because the tiles can be dyed in a variety of shades, including red, blue, purple, and black. They can also be texturized.

How long will slate last?

It’s a naturally-occurring stone, and once processed into roofing tiles, it is durable enough to last centuries. Many roofing contractors call them “forever roofs.” Avoid painting or staining the roof, however, as it can cut into its lifespan.

Slate’s durability makes it extremely low-maintenance. It’s also easy to recycle and can be treated to reduce the heating effects of UV rays on your home.

Can my home support a slate roof?

Slate roofing tiles are heavier than other materials. A contractor will need to test your roofing and decking supports to make sure they can bear the weight. If not, an engineer will need to reinforce the supports. Existing shingles will also need to be removed to ensure the slate is secure.

Are repairs difficult?

Because slate tiles are more durable than shingles and wood shakes, you’re less likely to deal with extensive repairs following hail storms, high winds, and even fires.


If you’re interested in exploring slate roofs options, the professionals at BDW Roofing in Mount Kisco, NY, can help. This roofing contractor is backed by 30 years of experience and works with a variety of materials, including slate, tile, and shingles. They also provide gutter repairs and replacements. Learn more about their services online. To speak with a representative about an upcoming project, call (914) 218-8820.
