
While you may think your roof is secure, it can be hard to recognize damage from the ground. Homeowners may also be unaware of what issues require immediate attention. Knowing the signs of roof damage and scheduling regular maintenance will ensure your home continues to function as it should, protecting you from the elements and other outdoor factors.

What Are the Common Signs You Should Have Your Roof Repaired?

1. Leaks

If you notice a leak when it rains, your roof may need immediate attention. Leaks can be caused by damage to the roof’s membrane, flashing, vents, or chimney. Moisture that enters your home through cracks in the roof can spread rapidly and will cause more significant issues and higher repair costs if left unattended.

2. Wall and Ceiling Stains

roofNot all leaks drip from the ceiling onto the floor. Moisture can also seep into your walls and ceilings, leaving behind unsightly stains. If you notice any gray, yellow, or brown discoloration, it might be time to schedule a roof inspection.

3. High Utility & Power Bills

If you’re perplexed about a sudden surge in your energy bills when there hasn’t been a change in your regular consumption, a damaged roof could be the culprit. Gaps or cracks in the roofing can cause unwanted air to enter, and necessary air may escape. This problem makes it harder to maintain consistent temperatures indoors. Your HVAC system will be working overtime to try and compensate, causing an increase in utility bills.


If you’re looking for a reliable roofing contractor, check out C & C Garage Door and Services, LLC. They have been serving residents throughout the Middletown, OH, and Tri-State area for over 20 years and offer window installation services, as well as garage door installation and repair. This locally owned company offers the most competitive prices in Butler and Warren counties. Call (513) 423-6205 or visit their website to view their other services.
