
If you’re considering professional in-office teeth whitening, you should talk with your dentist to determine if it’s the right choice for you. The results can vary based on the condition of your teeth and the causes of the discoloration. Before you head to the dental clinic, consider the following steps of the whitening process to ensure you know what’s involved.

What to Expect During a Teeth Whitening Session

1. Cleaning & Shade Matching

Your dentist will thoroughly clean the teeth to remove surface stains, debris, and tartar. Just before whitening, they will give the teeth a final buff and polish to remove any leftover stains.

They’ll then use a shade chart, a set of porcelain tabs, or a computer program to record your prewhitening tooth shade. This will help you see the improvement once the treatment is complete.

2. Protecting Gums & Other Tissues

Whitening products can sometimes irritate the gums, lips, and tissues inside the mouth during treatment. Your dentist may apply a thick gel around the teeth or use a latex sheet to isolate them from the surrounding areas. They may use a cheek retractor or cotton rolls to keep your mouth open during treatment.

3. Applying the Whitener & Post-Shade Matching

The whitener will then be applied to your teeth, where it will remain for 45 to 90 minutes. Some solutions include an ultraviolet light or laser to accelerate the process. Other systems use a touch-up method to add more whitener throughout the session to pinpoint specific stains.

dentistYour teeth will be thoroughly rinsed to remove the whitener and protective gel. The dentist will then use the same color-matching technique that was done at the beginning of the process to see the progress.

4. Fluoride Treatment

Whiteners can sometimes make teeth temporarily sensitive, and fluoride can protect against that sensitivity. Without the chemical treatment, you might feel discomfort when eating or drinking hot or cold foods and beverages. It will also help restore any minerals lost during the whitening process.

5. At-Home Follow-Up

Some dentists will recommend that you use an at-home whitening system to maintain the tooth color. This usually consists of custom-made trays that you fill with mild whitening gel and wear for a few minutes until the teeth are the desired shade.


Dr. Richard Wells Mittelstadt at St. Clair Dental Center in Anchorage, AK, can answer your questions and help you decide if you’re a candidate for teeth whitening. The attentive, caring staff members offer the best preventative and general dentistry in the area. They’ll guide you through every step of the process and ensure you’re happy with your resulting smile. Schedule an appointment by calling (907) 272-9214 and visit the center’s website to learn more.
