
Bad breath is an embarrassing problem that affects everyone at some point. Luckily, breath odor problems can be easily improved in many cases. Dr.Robert Petryl shares the causes of bad breath and offers a few tips for improving your breath. For more than 30 years, Dr. Petryl has helped Cincinnati, OH residents enjoy good oral health with general dentistry services and gum disease treatment.

Although eating spicy food is an obvious cause of bad breath, the problem isn’t caused only by the foods you eat. A variety of factors cause bad breath, including:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Smoking
  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Medication Side Effects
  • Infections
  • Dry Mouth
  • Gum Disease
  • Tonsil Stones or Sinus Infections
  • Acid Reflux
  • Cancer or Other Diseases

The cure for bad breath depends on the cause, but following good oral hygiene habits can help eliminate the problem. Other solutions include:

  • Gum Disease Treatment: The bacterial infection that leads to gum disease can cause unpleasant odors. After gum disease treatment, your breath should improve.

  • Brushing And Flossing: In addition to brushing and flossing in the morning and evening, brush and floss after you eat spicy foods or strong foods. Flossing removes food particles that can cause an odor.
  • Regular Dental Visits: When you visit Dr. Petryl every six months for a teeth cleaning, he can identify any problems that may be contributing to your breath odor problem.
  • Tongue Brushing: Bacteria on your tongue can contribute to odors. Brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.
  • Dry Mouth Treatment: Saliva helps remove food particles that cause odor. If dry mouth is a problem for you, drink water or use sugarless candy or gum to keep your mouth moist. In some cases, prescription artificial saliva may be needed.

Are you concerned about bad breath or need a teeth cleaning? Call Dr. Robert Petryl at (513) 554-4657. He’ll examine your mouth, determine the cause of your problem, and offer suggestions that will help you avoid the embarrassment of bad breath. Check out his website for information about all of the services that he offers.
