
A dental implant is a permanent oral prosthesis that connects to the jawbone. Installation involves minor surgery, so you’ll need a few days to heal and special aftercare to make the procedure a success. Here are some of the most common questions people have about recovering after implant surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implant Aftercare

How painful will recovery be?

The level of pain depends on the extensiveness of the surgery and individual tolerance. Some people experience only minor discomfort, while others find they have difficulty eating or talking.

If your oral surgeon anticipates you’ll experience a lot of discomfort, they’ll prescribe painkillers. Otherwise, over-the-counter medications like aspirin or ibuprofen will take the edge off of any pain you feel. 

How do I handle bleeding?

It’s normal to experience some bleeding at the surgical site, and sometimes even from the nose, for up to three days following the procedure. Until bleeding stops, avoid spitting or rinsing your mouth, which will prevent clotting.

Your oral surgeon will provide absorbent gauze sponges. Bite down firmly on them to apply pressure to the area. If the bleeding seems unusually heavy or lasts for more than four days, contact your doctor.

Can I eat and drink?

Dental implants in Anchorage, AKYou can eat and drink, but for the first few days, avoid hot beverages, alcohol, and spicy food, which can aggravate the wound or cause discomfort. Drink cold beverages, and eat soft, nourishing foods.

Avoid popcorn, seeds, and similarly small foods that might get lodged in the surgical site.

Should I brush my teeth?

You may brush your teeth, but take care around the surgical site. Once bleeding has stopped after a day or two, start rinsing your mouth gently a few times a day with warm saltwater to disinfect the wound.

Your dentist may also prescribe a mouthwash to encourage healing. Use this as prescribed. 


If you need dental implants, contact Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage. Their board-certified surgeons also specialize in tooth extractions, oral pathology, and maxillofacial surgery. Learn more about dental implants on their website, or call (907) 561-1430 to make an appointment.
