
Most dogs are socialized during puppyhood while they’re open to new experiences. For many reasons, however, some dogs were simply never exposed to different people and pets. This can make everyday activities like veterinary visits and dog day care more difficult. Here’s how you can help your companion feel more comfortable around others.

A Guide to Socializing Adult Dogs

1. Go on Daily Walks

Taking your dog out for walks serves as both exercise and a chance to experience new smells, sights, sounds, people, and animals. It also gives you the opportunity to teach your dog how to behave when coming across other walkers. For example, if they sit politely and let someone pass, give them a treat.

2. Invite Friends & Family

Dogs feel safer and more dog day carecomfortable on their home turf, so it’s the ideal environment to make introductions. Invite over friends and family members they aren’t familiar with—one or two at a time to avoid overwhelming them. Have visitors allow your dog to approach them on their own. Consider handing them some treats to entice your furry family member over.

3. Visit a Dog Park

It isn’t a good idea to guide an unsocialized dog right into a dog park, but you can gradually work your way in. Start by walking along the outside of the park and having your companion watch the other dogs. If other owners approve, let your dog walk over to greet their pets. Offer praise and treats for good behavior to create positive associations.

If your dog starts to get nervous, remove them from the situation and allow them to calm down. It may take a few days to work them up to a proper interaction.

4. Try Out Dog Day Care

If your dog does well at the dog park, consider signing them up for dog day care. This gives them a friendly, supervised environment to interact safely with other pets. The staff will be able to report positive interactions and progress. If all goes well, you’ll have a socialized pup and a reliable pet sitting and boarding service when you need it.


If your dog needs a safe, comfortable place to relax and play with other pets, they’ll find a home away from home at The Paw Spa Pet Resort. Located in Omaha, NE, this top-notch pet boarding facility features a spacious 12,000-square-foot facility, an on-site veterinarian, a year-round swimming pool, luxurious grooming services, and playtime monitored by a highly trained staff. You’ll even have live webcam access to check up on your furry family member at any time. To discuss their affordable packages with a helpful team member, call (402) 516-8888. Learn more about their dog day care services online.
