
Whether you’re working on a new build or are doing a window restoration, it’s vital to know when tempered glass windows should be used. Also known as safety glass, it’s resilient and prevents windows from breaking into large sharp shards. Below are some situations when you should order this from your glass company.

When You Should Use Tempered Glass Windows

1. Near Doors & Stairways

Glass windows that are within two feet of a door or above the floor of a stairwell need to be tempered glass to minimize the risk of injuries when people exit the building in an emergency. Tempered glass has a safety coating or glaze on it that makes the glass stronger and harder to break.

If it does break, it does so in tiny pieces that tend to stay together because they stick to the safety glazing. Without it, these windows would scatter large, sharp pieces of glass in a wider radius that can deeply cut people who step or fall on them.

2. In Bathrooms or Near Water

glass windowsWindows that are in bathrooms or near water, like pools and saunas, are required to be tempered glass if the window is less than 60 inches from the floor, according to the universal building codes. Glass this low is at risk of being fallen into if someone slips, which is common in wet areas. Normal glass would give way and shatter, causing the person to fall into the large shards.

With tempered glass, the window breaking is less likely. If it does break, it will spiderweb with small cracks instead of shattering, and the safety glazing will hold the pieces in place in the pane. This allows the person to catch themselves and doesn’t create large shards that cause injuries.

3. When They’re Large

Windows that are nine square feet or larger in size have to be tempered glass. Panes this large break into massive shards that scatter across more of the room and pose more of a threat than smaller windows. With safety glazing, the risk is minimized because the pieces will be smaller and held in place by the coating, preventing injuries.


Do you need to buy safety glass for your windows? ValleyView Glass & Screen in Northfield, MN, is a family-owned glass company with over 30 years’ experience. Their staff of skilled technicians will help with window restorations, installations, and repairs for residential and commercial clients. To place your order for glass windows or inquire about what’s in stock, give them a call at (612) 747-8425. To see examples of their previous work, check out their gallery.
