
If you and your partner are struggling with infertility, in vitro fertilization (IVF) might be an option for you. Completing in vitro fertility treatment is an involved process, you can prepare yourself with these tips to increase your success rate.

How to Get Ready for In Vitro Fertility Treatment 

1. Learn About the Process

Get to know the procedure you’re undergoing by asking your doctor questions about the process, such as which hormones you’ll take, the likelihood that the embryo will implant, and how to prepare for pregnancy.

If you think of questions while you’re at home, write them down, so you can ask them at your next appointment. When doing research online, stick to reputable sources like American Pregnancy or Mayo Clinic.

2. Quit Smoking & Drinking

in vitro fertility treatmentConsuming harmful substances can make it harder to have a baby through in vitro fertilization treatment. One study found that when women drank at least six units of alcohol a week, it made conception 18% less likely.

Scientists have also found that the fetus is exposed to higher levels of nicotine than the smoking mother herself when in the womb. Nicotine decreases fertility as well.

Quit smoking and drinking before the starting you IVF journey to increase your chances of conception. Ask your doctor or fertility specialist for advice on the best way for you to quit these substances.

3. Reduce Stress

Some studies have shown that stress can negatively affect IVF outcomes, so it’s best to remain positive and calm during the process. Try doing light yoga for fewer than four hours a week, or download a meditation app. You can also delegate some of your daily chores or errands to your partner while you’re doing IVF, allowing you to relax.


Ready to try in vitro fertility treatment? The caring doctors at Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu, HI, are here to help. As Hawaii’s first IVF clinic, they’ve helped couples conceive since 1985. They’re open seven days a week, and their staff is always available to answer your questions. Visit their website to learn more about their capabilities, or call (808) 946-2226 to set up your first appointment. 
