
Allergy season can wreak havoc on your family’s comfort and well-being, particularly among those who have asthma. Homeowners may be surprised to learn that their air conditioners may help alleviate the sneezing and sniffling of spring. Before you call your HVAC contractor, use the following guide to learn how your AC unit can provide some relief.

How HVAC Systems Can Help People with Allergies

1. Reduce Airborne Contaminants

Indoor allergies can cause many of the same symptoms as hay fever, including sneezing and overall malaise. Replacing the air filter at least once every three months is key to your family’s comfort.

A filter creates a barrier that prevents the pollutants from circulating throughout the home. If it’s blocked, it can’t do this job efficiently and might drive up your energy costs by forcing the unit to work harder than necessary.

2. Manage Humidity Levels

hvac contractorAir conditioners can help regulate humidity levels in the home. Your HVAC contractor can also advise you about installing a dehumidifier if there’s a particularly high degree of moisture inside your residence.

Too much humidity can cause significant issues for people with allergies and asthma, making it difficult to gain control of symptoms and causing frequent discomfort. Pulling moisture from the air can contribute to a healthier living space.

3. Detect Mold Accumulation

It only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold to thrive once it finds the right environment. Moisture in the home can contribute to its formation, but the allergen can also develop on components of the air conditioning system.

During routine inspections, your HVAC contractor will check the evaporator coils, condensate pans, and air ducts for signs of mold accumulation. It’s crucial to eliminate the buildup so your family can breathe clean, healthy air.


Are you seeking a dependable HVAC contractor to inspect your air conditioner? Turn to the team at Marvin’s Heating & Air Conditioning in San Marcos, TX. Proudly serving the community since 1982, the company offers a variety of valuable services, including air conditioning and furnace repairs and replacements. Visit the website to learn more about their HVAC services, or call (512) 396-4791 to schedule an appointment.
