
Cardiovascular disease is a term used to describe a range of conditions that affect the heart, such as coronary artery disease and arrhythmia. One in every four deaths in the United States is a result of heart disease. Because it’s so prevalent and dangerous, you should work with your heart doctor to separate myth from fact in order to protect your health.

3 Common Misconceptions Surrounding Heart Disease

1. It Doesn’t Affect Young People

While heart disease does tend to be more common in older individuals, it’s increasingly affecting younger people. There are many risk factors present in people of all ages, such as high blood pressure, smoking, and high blood cholesterol. Other risk factors include physical inactivity, diabetes, obesity, excessive alcohol use, and an unhealthy diet.

2. Diagnosis Means You Need to Slow Down

heart doctorIf your heart doctor has diagnosed you with cardiovascular disease, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should stop being active. A sedentary lifestyle puts you at a higher risk for blood clots and other health issues that would worsen the condition.

Exercise strengthens your heart and helps you maintain a healthier weight for less strain on the heart. Talk with your doctor to determine an exercise regimen you can safely follow, such as running for 30 minutes a day, lifting weights, or swimming.

3. Heart Attacks Are Accompanied By Chest Pain

A heart attack is a common indicator of cardiovascular disease and occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked, such as with coronary artery disease. While it can be accompanied by chest pain, this is not the only indicator.

Many heart attacks occur with other symptoms or none at all. Other symptoms to look for include heartburn, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, and upper back or neck pain.



The experienced heart doctor at DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA, provides state-of-the-art treatment in Rochelle Park, NJ. Dr. DiVagno has more than 20 years of experience providing cardiac testing and treatment. His team specializes in heart disease, so you can trust you’re working with a true specialist. Learn more on their website and call (201) 845-3535 to schedule an appointment.
