
How do I know if I’m watering my lawn the way I should? 

Watering is truly a simple task. With easy to follow instructions your lawn will look as perfect as those commonly seen on expensive brochures. Just follow along and you will see how easy it really is. There are two issues that we must first address so that we can be sure of watering properly. They are volume and distribution. The volume is easy to calculate. For every thousand square feet of grass we want to dispense 620 gallons of water twice a week. This is equal to two inches of water per thousand square feet per week. Florida sandy soils will usually hold two inches of water in the top 12 inches of soil. This volume of water is sufficient to support the needs of that grass when the temperature is in the 90’s. Any low profile can such as a tuna fish can answer all your questions about square footage distribution and volume so don’t worry about it. Just place the tuna can in the middle of the grass and run the sprinkler for thirty minutes. Measure the volume of water in the cup and make the needed adjustments. If the cup has one half of an inch you must double the watering time in order to get the desired one inch of water per week will provide two inch of water.

How do I get rid of those dry spots?

Simple! You have to get more water to that dry spot. Put your tuna fish can in the middle of the dry spot and make sure that the volume of water is sufficient to support the needs of the grass. If you do not receive one inch of water in one cycle, adjust the sprinkler heads so that the distribution is even or increase the watering time so that more water hits the dry spot. Please note that slopes and hills require more water to correct for the lateral movement of some of the water. Dry spots are vulnerable to attack from insects. Work hard to keep the dry spots away and you will minimize other problems too. 

Maintain a healthy lawn with routine pest control and lawn spray. If you have any problems with your lawn or pest control please call GreenTec Pest Control  at (727) 847-6733.

We here at GreenTec Pest Control hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe and we truly appreciate each and everyone of our loyal customers. 
