
After being involved in a car accident, it's understandable that you'd be shaken up. In the immediate aftermath, however, it's important to follow a few simple steps in order to protect yourself and others. Bernard M. Tully Attorney at Law is an automobile accident attorney who has served the Pittsburgh, PA, area for more than three decades. Here he shares four steps to take after you've been involved in a motor vehicle accident:

  • Get Medical Help: If you are able to call 911, do so immediately. Bear in mind that many types of injuries don't surface right away—they may take days—so even if you feel unhurt, get checked out anyway. Report any pain, dizziness, or numbness. If your situation warrants legal recourse, getting prompt medical attention reinforces your personal injury claim.
  • Never Admit Fault: Even if you feel you were at fault, never say so out loud. This can derail your case before it even begins. Choose instead to give police at the scene a detailed report of the accident. This is one of the first pieces of evidence an injury attorney will look at.
  • Keep Meticulous Records: Our natural instinct after an accident is to try and forget the whole stressful ordeal. This will work against you in your injury case, so it is essential that you keep records of everything post-accident. Doctor visits and bills, prescription receipts, proof of lost wages, and even a daily journal of how you're feeling and what you were able to do are all excellent items to compile.
  • Take Photos: Photograph your injuries and any damage to your vehicle. This further strengthens your case and adds compelling visual evidence to the mix. Bernard M. Tully has seen firsthand how powerful photographic evidence can be.

Call Bernard M. Tully Attorney at Law at (800) 518-0050 or visit his firm's website to schedule a vehicle accident consultation. With Bernard M. Tully fighting for you, you can start building a personal injury case that gets you the compensation you deserve.
