
Most people know chiropractors can help with their persistent neck or back pain. Yet, there are many other conditions these professionals can treat by taking holistic approaches and addressing their root causes. If you experience any of the following issues, learn how a chiropractor will treat it below.

What Conditions Can Chiropractors Help With?

1. Migraines

While the precise cause of migraines remains unknown, some experts suspect many may be related to muscular tension in the neck region. Chiropractors can address tense areas by performing spinal manipulations, and they can also offer lifestyle techniques, such as posture improvements, to reduce the severity and number of migraines you experience.

2. Whiplash

Whiplash, a common neck sprain sustained during motor vehicle accidents, causes pronounced discomfort in the neck. People with this condition may also experience a stiff neck and find it difficult to move their heads. Chiropractic adjustments can restore range of motion and eliminate pain, and practitioners may also recommend at-home exercises for added benefits.

3. Joint Pain

chiropractorIn addition to treating pain in the back and neck, chiropractors can also address other sources, including the knees and shoulders. The back serves as the body’s primary framework, which is why adjustments to the spine can alleviate pain and tension elsewhere. In some cases, an adjustment may also be needed at the source of the pain.

4. Fibromyalgia

Characterized by pain throughout the body, fibromyalgia leads to tenderness and sensitivity that can sometimes interfere with daily activities. As experts in the neuromusculoskeletal system, chiropractors can apply techniques, such as ischemic compression, to the soft tissue, leading to symptom improvement.

5. Limited Flexibility

If you have a condition that has impacted your range of motion, chiropractic care could help. Targeted adjustments and manipulations can help to boost flexibility, which can also improve your ability to perform daily tasks. For instance, individuals with arthritis may benefit from this type of care.


Whether you’re experiencing back pain or any of the conditions listed above, turn to South Main Chiropractic Clinic in High Point, NC, for help. Serving the entire Piedmont-Triad area, this clinic offers holistic pain relief provided by an in-house chiropractor with nearly two decades of experience. Explore their range of services online, or call (336) 885-5200 to schedule an appointment.
