
Many companies require a drug screening before a new employee can begin working. Regulated facilities perform these tests to ensure there's no way to manipulate the results, but the rules involved can make the process seem confusing or intimidating. If you need to get tested, learn more about what to expect below.


Schedule an appointment with a drug screening company that's approved by your future employer. If you need the test to be eligible to drive commercially, search for an organization that follows the guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

You'll likely need paperwork from the company you're screening for, as well as government-issued IDs, such as a passport or driver's license, for your test. Bring the appointment confirmation to the exam and know the names and doses of any prescription medications you're taking.


drug screening

A nurse will ask you to empty your pockets, including your phone and wallet. They'll hold onto these belongings, plus any jackets, baggy outer layers, purses, or bags.

The staff will verify your identity and make copies of your ID before asking you to wash your hands. Then, they'll go into the bathroom to ensure the toilet is taped and the water is blue before explaining what to do.

Once the door closes, urinate into the provided container. When you're done, close the container lid and redress, but do not flush the toilet. This is a critical element, as you may have to retest on another day if you flush before the attendant views the bathroom. Hand the cup to the nurse to validate and seal the specimen before washing your hands in the sink outside the restroom.


You likely won't know the results of your drug screening until the employer receives them directly from the lab. Most testing centers send the specimen to off-site facilities, so they won't be able to share the results on-sight. It may take several days or more than a week to hear the test findings.


If you need a drug screening, contact Carolina Doctors Med Care in Sanford, NC. Their healthcare team provides primary care services with passionate staff and innovative technology. Call (919) 774-3680 to schedule an appointment today, or visit their website for information on their offerings, including urgent care and occupational medicine.
