
Without a water heater, your property wouldn’t be supplied with any hot water, which would make activities like cooking and bathing much more difficult or uncomfortable. As a homeowner, you can perform basic maintenance to keep your household functioning properly, and monitoring the anode rod can prevent unexpected issues. This component is vital to keeping the system operating efficiently, so it’s recommended to understand what it does and how to protect it.

Why the Anode Rod Is Important

Before tankless water heaters were invented, many tanks would rust and erode over time. This would happen because of the chemical reaction that occurs when water comes into contact with exposed metal. The anode rod alleviates these concerns and protects the tank from deterioration.

It’s a steel core wire wrapped in aluminum, magnesium, or zinc, and it protects the exposed metal of the tank through electrolysis. Electrolysis occurs when two touching metals are underwater, and causes one of the materials to corrode faster than the other.

The anode rod attracts the ions that would normally cause the tank to degrade. However, over time, the metals surrounding the rod wear away completely, which puts the tank at risk of erosion.

How to Maintain It

Water HeaterMost anode rods are designed to last between 4-5 years, but several factors can accelerate erosion. Residential plumbers often use water softeners to address hard water issues, but they can also make the water more acidic, which increases corrosion.

Heating your water to extreme temperatures and consistent usage can both cause the rod to erode faster. You’ll know it’s time to replace the component when you start to see signs of rust or corrosion on the tank itself.

You should perform an inspection of the anode rod if you notice rust-colored water or a metallic taste. Take the component out, and if you see 6 or more inches of the exposed steel core wire, it needs to be replaced. The sacrificial metal has eroded too much, and the rod is no longer protecting the tank.


If you’re experiencing issues with your water heater’s anode rod, contact the experts at Don’s Plumbing in Canyon Lake, TX. For the past 30 years, they’ve helped homeowners diagnose and repair a variety of plumbing issues. Their team will perform an on-site inspection of your system and provide a fast and reliable solution to keep it operating as efficiently and safely as possible. Schedule an appointment by calling (830) 964-4477 or learn more about their services online.