
In school, you may have worked with a topographic map or globe, in which the highest altitudes were displayed in a different color, with the mountain peaks in red and the lowest plains in green. A topographic survey can provide the same information for your lot, detailing the terrain based on its swells and depressions. If you’re wondering how this might be useful, take a look at the guide below.

Why You Might Need a Topographic Survey

1. Plan a Construction Project

If you’re building a home from the ground up, you should have a map of the varied elevation across your lot. This information can help site development crews know what they have to do to prepare the area for building the foundation.

A detailed survey is also helpful for home improvement projects. If you’re planning to build a pool or install a septic system, your crew will need to know the lay of the land before breaking ground.

2. Improve Drainage

topographic surveyWhen it rains, the water will naturally cascade to the lowest parts of your property. If too much water pools in these areas, it could ruin your landscape or cause your home’s foundation to shift.

A survey will illustrate these depressions, and your land grading team can use them to reform your property’s slope and facilitate proper drainage. 

3. Preserve the Surrounding Land

Drainage issues aren’t just a nuisance for property owners, but they can also endanger the ecosystem itself. For example, if runoff is eroding the soil, it may be uncovering tree and plant roots, preventing them from getting the nutrients they need.

Poor draining can even rip plants out of the ground. With a topographic survey, you can see where changes need to be made to preserve the soil and comply with local preservation guidelines.


If you need a survey of your property, reach out to K & M Land Surveying of Lincoln, NE. They’ve worked with developers and property owners throughout southeast Nebraska to create accurate depictions of elevation for nearly 25 years. Whether you need to verify a title, prepare for construction, or improve drainage, you can reach their team by calling (402) 476-3020. Learn more about their surveying services by visiting the website.
