
During flu season, you should be mindful of limiting your exposure to germs. Public places, like the gym, are a key part of your life, but the high traffic can increase your risk of getting sick. Below are a few strategies to limit your contact with germs during your next fitness routine.

How to Avoid Germs At the Gym

1. Wipe Equipment

Before using any fitness machines, you should wipe it down to remove germs. Make sure to use wipes that are safe on the materials, as some cleaning wipes dry out leather seats. The establishment may offer wipes, but bring your own to avoid running out. You should also wipe down items after you finish using it, as a courtesy for the next person. 

2. Be Careful What You Touch

One of the fastest ways to spread germs is through touching public items and then using your belongings. Limit how much you touch your phone, water bottle, and face until after washing your hands. Since you’ll be drinking water while exercising, disinfect your hands with antibacterial gel before drinking and avoid touching the mouthpiece.

3. Bring Shoes & a Towel

gymBring shoes that are close-toed and protect your feet during exercise, as well as close-toed waterproof shoes to wear in the shower. Shower rooms are humid and wet, creating the ideal conditions for germ and fungi growth, so you should limit touching the ground as much as possible. Bring towels as well, as other people could touch towels that the establishment provides.

4. Prevent Bringing Germs Home

Before leaving the gym, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and antibacterial soap. When you leave, take your shoes off before you get in your car and put them in a plastic bag, replacing them with clean sneakers that you can take off in your house. Use disinfectant wipes to wipe down anything that you take to the gym before returning home, and then sanitize your hands again.


Another way to limit your contact with germs is to frequent a gym that prioritizes hygienic conditions and a clean facility. Anytime Fitness in Chesterfield, MO,  boasts a clean, well-equipped fitness center that’s open 24/7, with private showers and around-the-clock security. A membership gives you access to any of their global centers, as well as specialized nutrition and workout programs. Learn more about joining this gym online and call (314) 485-8986 to speak to a friendly representative.
