
Spring means warmer weather, colorful blooms, and hours of outdoor fun. Unfortunately, it also increases your pet’s risk of running into pests. Fleas and ticks love latching onto dogs, cats, and rabbits and are challenging to eliminate without the help of a veterinarian, but you can prevent them. Below is what you should know about protecting your furry friend from parasites.

How to Prevent Fleas & Ticks

What Are the Dangers of Fleas & Ticks?

Fleas and ticks are dangerous for pets. If your pet has fleas, they may begin scratching, biting, and licking themselves more often than usual. This can lead to hair loss and skin damage. Some dogs have flea bite dermatitis, an allergy to flea saliva that causes hypersensitivity and severe itching. A severe infestation can also cause anemia in puppies and small dogs. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms, an internal parasite that causes weight loss and sickness.

Ticks are even more dangerous than fleas. The area a tick attaches to may become red and inflamed, but the true harm comes from the many diseases they can pass. Certain species can transmit Lyme disease, a severe condition that can be fatal without treatment from a veterinarian. Other possible diseases include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, and ehrlichiosis.

How Do You Identify Them?

Even if you notice veterinarianexcessive itching, finding fleas on your pet is challenging. To confirm the presence of these parasites, comb your pet over white paper or paper towels. If you see tiny black specks that turn dark brown or red when wet, your pet has fleas. These particles are droppings known as “flea dirt.” You can also use a flea comb to catch flea dirt, and sometimes the fleas themselves.

To find ticks, you must examine your pet’s skin and coat. They are much larger than fleas, and you can usually find them by checking common hiding places. Ticks typically attach themselves around the ears, neck, feet, head, and base of the tail. Always give your dog, cat, or rabbit a thorough tick check after spending time outdoors.

How Can You Protect a Pet?

Eliminating fleas from your pet and home can take months, and ticks carry dangerous diseases that you won’t want the dog to catch. The best way to protect your pet is with preventative medicine. Your veterinarian can recommend oral or topical medications or the Seresto collar that will effectively keep parasites at bay. Beware that most generic products are not as effective as the brand name ones. They may contain the same active ingredient, but usually lack the carrier molecule that makes sure the product reaches all of your pet’s skin. 

Never use dog products on cats as some will cause seizures in the cats. Also call before using a topical product on your rabbit, as some over-the-counter products have caused kidney failure. 


If your pet needs preventative medication or treatment for fleas and ticks, contact Montgomery Animal Hospital of Cincinnati, OH, to provide superior care. As an AAHA accredited veterinary clinic, their highly trained staff stays up-to-date on the safest and most effective treatments and procedures. They inform pet owners about their companion’s health, so you can be sure your pet is receiving the best care. Call (513) 791-7912 to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian today. For more information about their services, visit them online.
