
As a parent, a huge priority for your little one is setting them up for success as early as possible. With kindergarten looming in the next few years, a sense of worry can develop about whether or not your child is ready for that substantial life step. To soften the leap, preschool can be an excellent transitional tool to prep a toddler for longterm academic success. 

Ways Preschool Benefits Your Toddler

1. Sets a Foundation

Kindergarten is a substantial step from toddlerdom to childhood, with defined rules and social demands that kids are required to master to succeed. Preschool makes that transition a little easier by preparing your child for school. It helps them form a routine away from parents, and it sets the tone for curiosity both academically and socially. 

2. Provides Structure

preschoolA successful student learns how to exist in a classroom setting early, from raising their hand when asking questions to taking turns. The group setting of a preschool classroom introduces these skills early, and students learn through play, making intentional learning moments while they’re having fun. 

3. Develops Social Skills

Preschool will likely be the first time your child’s social circle expands to a large group of kids their age. This opportunity can open up an array of lessons, from learning to share to playing nice with others. The social aspect of preschool can be particularly crucial for an only child or a kid with a sibling too young to play, as it can teach them to effectively communicate with peers as well as respect authority beyond their parents. 

4. Offers Answers to Toddler Questions

As a parent of a toddler, you’ve probably become accustomed to the wild questions they ask. Even though you may not know why the sky is blue or why bananas are shaped like crescent moons, a preschool teacher is trained to answer these questions in a way that satisfies even the most inquisitive child’s curiosity. Preschool can foster a child’s curious nature and feed it with a vast array of knowledge. Carrying this quality into grade school can become a considerable asset academically if you teach them to embrace it early. 


No matter what stage pre-kindergarten your child is, The Preschool at Discovery has programs to suit your family’s needs. They focus on physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development backed by faith-based principles. Children from six weeks to Pre-K can participate in child-directed, teacher-guided learning that helps them prepare for their next step into elementary school. To learn more about this Gilbert, AZ, based preschool, visit their website or give them a call today at (480) 999-4245.
